![[CX] Stygian Coil HUD trello.png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59091006f7e0ab2f59bc99b7/1671781289792-H6C4WA2X45LXLZ04CHSA/%5BCX%5D+Stygian+Coil+HUD+trello.png)

In coordination with Lelutka, I made a free gift for the Holidays!
All you need to do is join the CX Group which will be free to join for the duration of the event to get the gift for free!
Rigged for : Lelutka Human Ears | Lelutka Elf Ears | Unrigged
Included HUD Powered with 3 Metals.
Happy Holidays !
Teleport to MainStore.
Participating Stores:lelutkasl.com/holiday-special/